
Showing posts from November, 2021


Photo Source The person beyond you is behind you, the person away from you is in front of you!! This is because of electronics. The entire human world is virtually linked, and electronics play a critical role in this. Electronics were born in the early 1900s, and their development accelerated when semiconductors were discovered in the 1930s. The third Industrial Revolution is credited with the invention of semiconductors. W e would still be in the mechanical world if semiconductors did not exist.  In recent years, diamond has been recognized as a semiconductor. Diamond is no longer restricted to being just an ornamental gem. Diamonds can meet the needs of a niche market for robust high-power devices. The semiconductor is the king in electronics and Lozenge as its new queen . The word "Lozenge" stems from the old French word "Losenge," which refers to a diamond's characteristic form. Photo Source Let us look at what distinguishes diamonds from other materials tha