
Showing posts from October, 2021

The Anonymous Network

    Do you think your privacy and sensitive information  is protected while you browse the Internet? You should really read this blog to understand how people in the open internet try to steal data, passwords and other information. This post talks about "The Anonymous Network" which is a reference to "The Onion Network". You might have heard about “The Onion Router” which is abbreviated as “Tor”. At present we can safely say that Tor provides complete anonymity and data security for some level in the internet. So how does this Tor work? Before going to explore how Tor network works, we have to understand how cryptography works. Symmetric cryptography is a type of encryption method used to secure data. Generally a key is generated which is nothing but a mathematical function which encrypts (conversion of simple text to cipher text) the data and the same key is used to decrypt (conversion of cipher text to simple text) the data. For example, consider a text “hello” wh

Breaking Down Blockchain

Photo Source   Have you ever thought about the Bitcoin, and wondered how it works? Well, Blockchain is the recent technology which can be understood as a transparent ledger system over the Internet which emerged as a decentralized secure network. It controls how cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum etc. work. It also has various applications in other domains like the industrial sector, banking, supply chain management and so on. So, let’s dive in and explore Blockchain. There are three main aspects of blockchain which essentially forms the basic pillars of this technology- Blocks, the Network and Mining . Blocks  mainly contain data comprising of information on various transactions, digital signatures and hashes associated with each block. In the crypto-currency domain, data mainly comprises of information on transactions like names of people sending and receiving currency, date and time of transaction etc. Miners create new blocks on the chain through a process called  mining . In